加州擁七十二條涵蓋著名觀光景點的公路,但只有一條贏得「終極公路之旅」的美譽,旅遊刊物Sunset Magazine在六月份出版的新書,將此封號送給一號公路Highway 1。

簡稱PCH的太平洋海岸公路蜿蜒、雙線道設計,擁抱整個加州海岸線,部分地點路面距斷崖僅咫尺之遙,讓人得以近距離欣賞壯觀的海岸風光。從完工通車以來,絡繹不絕的人潮湧入朝聖,喜愛開車旅遊者更將此視為必訪行程,名氣不下於公路之母Route 66。行車沿線,你可欣賞美麗的水平線日落、悠遊山林步道、踱步沙灘或享受森林浴,運氣好甚至可目睹鯨魚浮出海面呼吸,嘆為觀止的美景盡收眼底。
Caltrans總監 Malcolm Dougherty說:「一號公路在加州歷史悠久,早於1912年就由Caltrans承包建造,至1937年這條南北向的海岸公路完工通車。我可以告訴你,其美麗的景致全球罕見,只有在這裡才看得到。」
雜誌編輯群並頒贈「美西指標性旅遊獎」(Western Icon Travel Award)給一號公路,這本刊物專門遴選美西著名的住宿、美食、文化之旅、戶外運動、環境等議題報導。如今,六月號把封面給了一號公路,向全球六百萬讀者介紹這條著名的旅遊路線。
一號公路最有名的一個景點,無疑是Big Sur這一段,其位於中部海岸線,經常在旅遊書籍、影片裡曝光,景致壯麗非常。一號公路起始點為Orange County的Dana Point,這裡有數不盡的海灘風光,沿路北上駛過峽谷、斷崖,以及Devil’s Slide隧道,就可抵達San Francisco這個以人文風景著稱的城市。
California has 72 Officially Designated Scenic Highways, but only one has been named the “Ultimate Highway Trip,” by Sunset Magazine this June: Highway 1.
The curvy, two-lane Pacific Coast Highway hugs the western edge of where the ocean laps into California, sometimes just feet from the highway or below breathtaking cliffs. Since it was built, people have ventured along the coastal route to take in majestic sunsets, walk along trails, enjoy beaches and waterfalls, watch whales migrate, and more.
“Highway 1 has historical significance for California. In 1912, it was the first highway we awarded a contract to build and in 1937 it was the first north-south state route completed.” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “It also offers sights you just won’t find anywhere else.”
The curvy, two-lane Pacific Coast Highway hugs the western edge of where the ocean laps into California, sometimes just feet from the highway or below breathtaking cliffs. Since it was built, people have ventured along the coastal route to take in majestic sunsets, walk along trails, enjoy beaches and waterfalls, watch whales migrate, and more.
“Highway 1 has historical significance for California. In 1912, it was the first highway we awarded a contract to build and in 1937 it was the first north-south state route completed.” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “It also offers sights you just won’t find anywhere else.”
Sunset Magazine reported that of the 150 National Scenic Byways and All-American Roads across the United States, none have the “wind-in-your-hair charisma” of Highway 1.
The magazine’s editorial board selected California’s Highway 1 for its first 2015 Western Icon Travel Award. The magazine is a guide to living in the West and the first-time awards honor the West’s top destinations in lodging, dining, cultural tourism, outdoor adventure, environmental stewardship and more. Highway 1 is featured in the June print and online editions, reaching more than 6 million viewers.
The most famous segment of Highway 1 passes through Big Sur along the Central Coast. The Pacific Coast Highway starts at Dana Point in Orange County and hugs the coastline up through Southern California beaches, hidden Central Coast coves, the bustling city of San Francisco and tunnels through the once-treacherous Devil’s Slide.
While thousands of motorists partake in the experience, many of its travelers are bicyclists riding along a longer route along the Pacific Coast Bike Route from Canada to California’s southernmost beach.
The magazine’s editorial board selected California’s Highway 1 for its first 2015 Western Icon Travel Award. The magazine is a guide to living in the West and the first-time awards honor the West’s top destinations in lodging, dining, cultural tourism, outdoor adventure, environmental stewardship and more. Highway 1 is featured in the June print and online editions, reaching more than 6 million viewers.
The most famous segment of Highway 1 passes through Big Sur along the Central Coast. The Pacific Coast Highway starts at Dana Point in Orange County and hugs the coastline up through Southern California beaches, hidden Central Coast coves, the bustling city of San Francisco and tunnels through the once-treacherous Devil’s Slide.
While thousands of motorists partake in the experience, many of its travelers are bicyclists riding along a longer route along the Pacific Coast Bike Route from Canada to California’s southernmost beach.