奧勒岡交通局的發言人Tom Fuller說:「我們嘗試達成公平性,把其中的差異給修補過來,道路和交通建設需要經費,我們得靠稅賦為籌募手段。」早在1919年時,奧勒岡州率先推動燃料稅,目前每加侖汽油包括30分燃料稅。
對這項新制,一些駕駛人看法兩極,有些認為有必要推全國化,包括電動車、油電車數量最多的加州,也被列入可能實施的對象之一,亦有人認為個人行蹤遭到監視。現住奧勒岡州的居民David Hastings說,他開油電車已經將近20年,這輛車每加侖可跑40哩,相比其他車輛的確少繳燃料稅,所以不介意透過此方式繳稅。
汽車設計師Tomi Lin說,時值獨立紀念日長周末,奧勒岡州卻傳出這樣一條新聞,讓人五味雜陳。他解釋,儘管政府說法是道路需要維護基金,但用行駛里程為計算基準,這似乎有點超過。今日,民眾在加油站內支付燃料稅視為理所當然,因為那是附加在每加侖汽油費,所以大家並沒注意到額外費用。
所以,Tomi Lin批評奧勒岡州這制度感覺像在掠奪,因為你所行駛的每一哩都在跳表計費,還有政府可透過小裝置知道你的行蹤。若要順從民意,政府或可利用不同方式徵稅,什麼方法他不清楚,但這種手法有點粗糙。
of July, the time to celebrate the independence of the United States.
Life, liberty and the pursue of happiness. This is the core of what
makes America great and what all Americans strive for and live by.
Land of the Free.
the current system that is governing our states and cities are broken
and outdated. Factor in inflation and we are heading to a situation
where we have to ‘pay the piper’.
the article where Oregon is taxing every mile someone drives to
improve the state’s infrastructures, I can see this as the
government trying to figure out a way to help with the monetary
deficit for repair and maintenance for the roads and highways they
drive on. It is a good thing for keeping the roads in great
condition. But the tax per mile…
not sure if this is a good idea as Americans hate to pay taxes. I
feel the gas tax for most commuters and car owners is something that
most do not think about anymore. The first cut hurts the most, and it
was the same for the gas tax. Since tax is already added into the
cost of every fill up, we do not see it as a separate charge. Since I
have to drive and need gas, I have no choice but to pay it. During
the fuel crisis in 2008-2009. A gallon of gas was around $5.00. Yes,
consumers complained about it and a big frenzy on dumping gas
guzzling SUVs, but eventually, most Americans went back to their old
ways and just take the situation as a norm. And get on with life.
am not sure if the citizen of Oregon will embrace the tax per mile as
positively as the gas tax. The tax will be more ‘in your face’
because it tells you how many miles you drive, and each car will be
equipped with a tracker and for sure this will not sit well with the
privacy for all Americans. I think the Oregon government should
approach raising more funds another way. What is it? I don’t have
an answer.
the government has another agenda for creating this tax? Forcing
people to not use their personal vehicles and use more public
influencing how I live? Freedom? Choice?